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5 Smart Home Trends to watch out for in 2021 and Beyond


By 2022, the global smart home industry’s market value is expected to surpass $53.5 billion. Certain countries in the Middle East and South Asia make up a large proportion of this burgeoning market. With an increasing trend towards automating one’s living spaces, consumers are more open to the idea of smart home hubs to control minute aspects of their daily living.

In this article, we take a look at five smart home industry trends that is of relevance to end-users.

1. Increasing adoption of smart home hubs

Many consumers have multiple smart home devices installed in their premises. These may range from intelligent lamps, shower-heads, and kitchen devices to security installations. Consumers will increasingly adopt smart home hubs as they help to control and orchestrate all the smart devices one uses at home via a single interface. Smart home hubs prioritize consumer privacy and manage devices in the background while giving users the freedom to remain mobile.

Smart Home hubs will enable Intelligent spaces.

2. Work from home solutions

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there is a global trend towards working from home. This tendency is likely to persist in the future, making home office automation necessary.

Work from home is the new normal.

A short case study -

Context: Jack (name changed) often used video conferencing tools to communicate with clients and team members during the lockdown, a trend that will continue for many more months.

Problem: While he was on calls, he was often bothered by visitors (deliveries, guests, and others). He couldn’t open the door without disrupting his important ongoing calls.

Solution: We installed a smart home hub, which helped him to quickly verify the individual at the door, right on his device’s screen. Specifically, we took advantage of the CCTV/VDP he had already installed and connected it to his doorbell and lock using the smart home hub. These devices could now be easily monitored and managed via a mobile interface enabled by the smart home hub.

Results: Jack could now let his visitors in without having to disconnect the call or walking up to the door.

3. Monitoring health conditions

There is a ballooning demand for devices that help people prevent worsening of existing health conditions, and preventing newer ones from appearing. From sensors that detect allergens to devices that intelligently monitor specific health conditions, technology-enabled healthcare at home will become commonplace. At just the push of a button, ailing people can communicate with caregivers or receive the emergency help they need.

A good example would be that of an asthmatic person pushing a pre-fixed button when they run out of inhalers or to get help during a wheezing attack.

The pandemic has driven the growth of Telehealth services.

4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive smart customization

Instead of users having to schedule or set functions, AI-enabled devices will learn to function on their own, based on user behavior and sensor data. This will be of great help to the elderly, children, and the disabled. Our AI intuitively enhances user experience, while respecting and safeguarding user privacy.

Event-driven smart spaces will be mainstream in the coming years.

5. Network security and broadband speed

Averting security threats and ensuring user privacy will be among the top priorities not only for consumers, but also for manufacturers, smart home service providers, and internet service providers (ISPs). In addition, ISPs will focus on improving Wi-Fi speed, and enhancing support for multiple concurrent devices in a secure manner.

Security and privacy have always been at the forefront of any discussion.

AI, smart home hubs, and security challenges to dominate smart home trends.

2021 and the years ahead will see growing adoption of smart devices to improve our living standards. Here are the main takeaways -

  • Smart home hubs will help users to control and manage multiple smart devices from a streamlined interface.

  • AI-enabled smart devices will be able to intuitively enhance user experience while safeguarding privacy at the same time.

  • Remote work and health-related concerns will enhance smart device adoption

  • Vendors, service providers, and manufacturers will focus more on security challenges and privacy concerns.

Aura Smart is an AI-enabled platform for your home that allows users to create custom experiences and leverage real value. If you’re interested in learning more, visit us at

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